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September 16, 2017

Class video & notes – 13/09/2017

By |September 16th, 2017|

Dimension: Directions - Theme: Rebounds and changes of weight

In this class, we had a look at how rebounds make us change directions. We did a simple rebound for beginners and for intermediates looked at more advanced versions where the leader and the follower move independently from one another, including a very original step where the rebound leads to a pasada.

Lead or follow?

By |September 14th, 2017|

Lead or follow? As you will know, there’s sometimes more of one gender than another in group lessons and milongas. Rather than an issue, it is, in fact, a great opportunity for men and women to try the other role. What happened back in the days?

Class video & notes – 10/09/2017

By |September 12th, 2017|

Dimension: Directions - Theme: Creative ways to stay in the line of dance

The idea in this class was to explore creative ways to go forward in the line of dance. With beginners, we started with a 360 degree pivot from the cross. In the intermediate class, we looked at a synchronised lapiz adornment, then a pivot to the right and last a very nice sequence using a change of front.

5 reasons to start tango

By |September 4th, 2017|

If you've ever been to a tango class or a tango party, you might have noticed how diverse the tango population is - tango dancers come in all ages, shapes and sizes. This diversity is what makes tango exciting. Now, the reasons why people start tango are as varied as the tango scene itself...

August 31, 2017

What makes tango more relevant to us than the “bourrée Auvergnate”?

By |August 31st, 2017|

Tango was born on the other side of the globe, over a century ago. Why is it still relevant to us now, when the bourrée Auvergnate and other folklore dances around the world are dying a slow death...

Making tango diamonds shine brighter

By |August 11th, 2017|

A gentleman or lady wanting to learn tango in Buenos Aires during the Golden Age (1935-55) would have had a very different experience from ours. No dropping by a dance studio on the way back home for a cheeky tango class!

Juan Martin and Stefania’s full 2017 programme

By |August 3rd, 2017|

Juan Martin and Stefania's full 2017 programme

July 28, 2017

From the Guarda Vieja to the Orquesta Típica

By |July 28th, 2017|

The first generation of tango players, called the "Guardia Vieja" (the Old Guard), were recent immigrants. By mixing their own culture and heritage, they participated in creating tango, a new music genre blending European, African and salon music.

Class video & notes – 26/07/2017

By |July 28th, 2017|

Dimension: Height - Theme: Grounding

In this class, we worked on what we call the grounding technique, where the leader uses a soft pressure to transmit information to the follower and we applied it to the cross. We first led a wide cross which transformed into a planeo, then applied the same concept to a lateral cross with the right leg and finished with a pivot on two feet which leads to a cross.

Class video & notes – 16/07/2017

By |July 18th, 2017|

Dimension: Height - Theme: The quebrada

In this class, we focused on a step called the quebrada, where the leader goes down with his knees together. It is a very elegant posture which creates opportunities for a wide range of versions. In the intermediate class, we saw a lovely adornment for the follower, a boleo and a version of the quebrada from a change of front.

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