If your first thought about tango was ‘fizzy and orange’, then you’re probably new to the idea of dancing Argentine tango. We’ve packed a lot of exciting content in this section. You can start with the few pages we’ve selected below!

We hope to meet you soon and share our passion for Argentine tango, so give us a go. When it all clicks into place, the sparkling of Argentine tango lasts infinitely longer than the orange, fizzy version.

Beginner classes

 If you’re completely new to tango, you can join our Beginner classes on Wednesday and Sunday, and maybe stay a bit longer for the social dancing – a great opportunity to practice what you’ve learned or simply socialise.

Our classes & milonga social dancing >


Private tuition from Monday to Saturday

 If you are not sure you are ready for group lessons, or if you would prefer to have the full attention of the instructor for yourself and get the fundamentals right from the start, private tuition is definitely for you. After all, it’s much easier to learn tango when you dance with a professional, and you can develop a more subtle approach to tango. Plus, the tuition will follow your speed of learning – neither too fast or too slow, just right.

We teach every day, from Monday to Sunday.

Private tuition >



 If you’ve got any question… like, I dunno, what to wear, can be found on our FAQs. Or send us a mail with your questions, your suggestions or anything you’d like to chat about – we’d love to hear about you!

Our FAQs >


Blog articles for non tango dancers and recent beginners

 You’ll find a selection of blog posts specially dedicated to non tango dancers or recent beginners – a bit about the history of tango, a bit about the dancing, a bit about the music and inspiring videos. *Sweet*

Blog for beginners >


Tango facts & fairytales

 Over the years of its history (over a 100 years, that is), no wonder Argentine tango accumulated a few stereotypes or even – and that’s where it gets interesting – fairytales.

Tango facts and fairytales >


First time don’t have to be scary

 For those of you who might feel a bit nervous or apprehensive about attending your first tango class, remember, there is a first for everything and by definition, it only lasts once. So just take the plunge.

First times don’t have to be scary >