This past month has been very exciting and saw us launch our new Yearly Academic Programme. This week marks the end of our first Academic Term focusing on the Tango Dimension Directions and on Canaro’s orchestra. Time to review what you’ve learned!


Tango Dimension: Directions

In class, you’ve seen quite a few different concepts around the Tango Dimension Directions: turns, giros, boleos, and all sorts of changes of direction, one one foot or two feet. Click on the links to have access to all the class notes and videos for a quick refresher.

  • Giros: We focused both on giros with moving axis and giros with no change of axis
  • Boleos: You should now be able to tell the difference between boleos with pivot and boleos with no pivot
  • Changes of directions: We saw different techniques and creative steps that make you change directions such as the cortes and planeos
  • Pivots on two feet: These steps are our new favourites, they’re fun, creative and very musical on two feet
  • Milonga: pivots and changes of weight in milonga

We also ran two special workshops:

  • Milonga workshop
  • How to dance on D’Arienzo workshop


Orchestra of the month


We have published quite a few posts on Francisco Canaro, our orchestra of the month. Time to learn more about him and (re)discover his music.


Next term programme – Mid October to End of November

Tango dimension: Interactions

Orchestra of the month: Donato