Participate in our first ever STUDENT RONDA on Nov 12th, during Tanguito’s 12th anniversary!
NOTE: the ronda is a tango with every paticipants dancing at the same time, not a ‘performance’ couple by couple.

We are excited to invite you to participate in Tanguito’s first ever Student Ronda to celebrate YOU, past and present students. Here are a few answers to questions that you may ask about this event.

  1. What is it and what should I expect?

The student ronda is a dance of two tango songs, in couples, all at the same time, around the dancefloor. In essence you will dance the same way you dance at a milonga except there will be fewer couples dancing, all in one circular lane, so the middle of the floor isn’t used for dancing. You should on this occasion show a nice connection with your partner and the music, and manage the floorcraft properly – staying in your lane, respecting the distance to the next and previous couple and avoiding anything that would potentially clash with the other couples. Those who aren’t participating will be watching. We expect to have 8-12 couples participating in the ronda.

Participating students will be welcome to be cheered by friends or family members, so feel free to invite anyone to come and watch you dance! Make sure they cheer for you when they pass near them 😊.

  1. Details, location…?

 The anniversary will be at beautiful location JACKSONS LANE (London N6 5SS, 1 min from Highate tube on northern line). The afternoon will include

– the group lessons: 2pm Complete Beginners; also at 2pm Improvers; then 3pm Intermediates and Advanced.
– the Milonga will start at 4.30pm, and will feature a live orchestra!
– Student Ronda will be around 6~6.30pm, for the duration of two songs (6 min). The milonga will be extended until 8.30pm.

  1. Wait! Which songs will be used?

The idea of the student ronda is NOT for anyone to prepare a choreography, but to improvise as you do at the Milonga. However so that no one is too stressed, we will inform everyone which songs are going to be played – it will be one melodic and one rhythmical song.

Note there won’t be a right or wrong way to dance the ronda – just have fun and all will be just right!

UPDATED 07/11 – Songs will be:
Tus Palabras a la Noche, Carlos Di Sarli (Spotify link)
El Hipo. Juan D’Arienzo (Spotify link)

You are welcome to get familiar with the song beforehand but please do not prepare a choreography – the ronda is improvised :).

  1. What are the costs?

There is no additional cost associated to participating in the student ronda, however the student will pay the normal cost of the event (class and milonga, or milonga only). Costs of the event are:

  • Intermediates @3pm £20 + milonga £15, total £35 — RECOMMENDED TO ATTEND (we will practice with the songs and give tips for the Ronda)
  • Improvers + Intermediates @ 2/3pm £25 + milonga £15, total £40
  • Milonga (live music) @ 4.30pm: £25 (those family members who are not dancing: £20)
  1. Should I practice and how can I get ready?

 Dancing at milongas is the best way to practice dancing and floorcraft. We will however on the 12th, practice the two songs and give tips during the 3pm class before the milonga, designed to show you what to focus on, showing examples of steps that can be used efficiently at milongas, managing space, and more globally tips to make your student ronda an exciting experience, so we strongly recommend you attend this class.

You can also ask for private tuition ahead of the event if you prefer.

  1. Dresscode?

Be as dashing as you can/want to! We encourage gentlemen to be in black (black suit and black or white shirt) and ladies with dresses or skirts to wear black, gold and red. If you don’t have this colour, try to be as close as possible so we have a beautiful ronda :).

  1. Should I register?

 Yes, please confirm your participation by Nov. 5th by whatsapp to Bruno at 07891336575. We hope you will have lots of fun!

Please invite your friends and family who will cheer as you dance!

We suggest you share the Facebook event. Let’s party!!