Every Tuesday, we’ll publish a different tanda on our blog, to get you inspired for the week. Expect some humming or little twitches from your foot – better not fight it.

Today, a great tanda by Juan D’Arienzo to get you up on your feet, with the beautiful song Pregonera, written by De Angelis.


Princesita rubia de marfil
Dueña de mi sueño juvenil,
la que pregónando flores un día de abril,
recuerdo por las calles de París.

Flower girl

Fair-haired ivory princess
Ruler of my youthful reveries
I walk the streets of Paris and recall
Your flower girl’s call
Once ago, one April’s day.

NB: The best way to improve your tango dancing is to know the music you dance on!


Tu boca mintio

Performance by Jorge Torres and Maria Blanco




If you want to read the lyrics in Spanish and English, we’ve translated the song for you!



Si supiera que la extraño

Performance by Aníbal Lautaro – Valeria Maside



Color cielo


See you soon on the dancefloor!


Nati y Bruno