Virtual classes

  • 19/05 MOT for couples: Connection & Changes of Embrace, Part I


    19/05 MOT for couples: Connection & Changes of Embrace, Part I, 90 min.

    Once a year, our tango needs a little revision, also called M.O.T. when servicing one's car in the UK! We will get in depth with the Connection and Embrace for couples, enhancing the most important part of dancing tango, and get some oil where parts get grippy after a while. Your best insurance and check-up this year! This is part I of II, both parts best enjoyed together but can be taken independently.

    Joining as a couple? Thanks for purchasing two tickets :). Note: you agree to our disclaimer and terms when joining a lesson, live or recorded.
  • 26/02/2021 Tango SOLOS: PIVOTS & their adornos, fundamental technique


    26/02/2021 Tango SOLOS: PIVOTS & their adornos, fundamental technique, 90 min.
    Dancing Tango is often linked to how our stable, fluid and clearly communicated our pivots are. When the music and embrace is right, we can decorate them, making these turns at times surprising, beautiful or inspiring. So today, join us to explore in depth these pivots and their decorations. A challenging but immensely useful class. Joining as a couple? Thanks for purchasing two tickets :).

  • 23/05 MOT for couples: Connection & Changes of Embrace, Part II


    23/05 MOT for couples: Connection & Changes of Embrace, Part II, 90 min.

    Once a year, our tango needs a little revision, also called M.O.T. when servicing one's car in the UK! We will get in depth with the Connection and Embrace for couples, enhancing the most important part of dancing tango, and get some oil where parts get grippy after a while. Your best insurance and check-up this year! This is part II of II, both parts best enjoyed together but can be taken independently.

    Joining as a couple? Thanks for purchasing two tickets :). Note: you agree to our disclaimer and terms when joining a lesson, live or recorded.
  • 24/03/2021 The Art of the Rebote (Rebound), Part I


    24/03/2021 The Art of the Rebote (Rebound), Part I, 90 min. Supercharge your rhythmical tangos!

    Tell me, mirror: is the rebote, the most useful and versatile of them all? Used when things go rhythmic, for sudden changes of directions, and so many other situations, it is the dancers' best ally. Join us to redefine how you use your rebounds, style them, mix them with other energies and steps, and find creative ways to add them to your repertoire. Fun! This is part I of II, both parts best enjoyed together but can be taken independently.

    Joining as a couple? Thanks for purchasing two tickets :). Note: you agree to our disclaimer and terms when joining a lesson, live or recorded.
  • 05/09 Achieve Ultimate Control in Tango, Part I


    05/09 Achieve Ultimate Control in Tango, Part I, 90 min.

    How does one achieve a great amount of control in Tango, to communicate that subtle movement from leader to follower? What's the secret behind these slow and controlled movement when both dancers seem to merge into one? How is it possible to control the follower's free leg and create that precise rotation or movement, before a colgada, a gancho, or a lead decoration? This is the first part of this series but each part can be viewed independently.

    Joining as a couple? Thanks for purchasing two tickets :). Note: you agree to our disclaimer and terms when joining a lesson, live or recorded.
  • 21/08/2020 Pure Technique: Embrace & Posture fundamentals

    21/08 The embrace and associated posture is arguably the most tenuous component of dancing tango. It conditions stability, style and communication. So, what are the fundamentals to get these right? Designed for Solo dancers, these PURE TECHNIQUE sessions will enlighten a lot of dancers, of all levels. ** PROGRAMME ** 7pm LEADERS 8pm FOLLOWERS
  • 22/04/2020 Dancing in Restricted Spaces II – the Americana edition


    Learn to dance in restricted spaces. When milongas get busy, it is a precious skill that will make you a better dancer, managing the area around you in a smooth a fluid way. This is part II of II: today - Beginners, learn the AMERICANA – an embrace as much it is a step! Intermediates: explore how to use the Americana in playful ways when there is little space. A great class to revisit your Americana.

  • Sale!

    Off Axis bundle: Volcadas, Colgadas & Single Axis (4 lessons, tot. 6 hours)


    OFF AXIS BUNDLE: master all these mighty off axis movements! ABOUT your pack: each lesson includes two parts, the first for beginners and improvers, and the second for intermediates and up. Intermediates, we recommend you watch the first part as a solid introduction.

    == » LESSON 1 & 2: Colgadas vs Single Axis Turns part I & II: a fascinating journey into the conquest of gravity in Tango!

    Finally master the mighty Colgadas and their nemesis the Single Axis turn, understand their differences, how to achieve stability, and practice to create that out of axis effect.

    » LESSON 3 & 4: Astonishing Volcadas part I and II.

    Tango’s Leaning Tower of Pisa, in Volcadas leader and follower use an deep interdependence for balance and axis. Master these beautiful tango steps and make them part of your repertoire!

  • 31/01/2021 Calibrate your TANGO: DO’s and DONT’s, Part II


    31/01/2021 Calibrate your TANGO: DO's and DONT's, Part II, 90 min.
    Nothing is quicker to learn tango than, on one hand, to understand what pitfalls to avoid - the DONTs - and on the other, what to do to to to nurture a virtuous cycle that will help you make great progress - the DOs. Join today's session for an eye opening workshop in couples, that will resonate with many of you. This is part II of II, both part best enjoyed together but can be taken independently.

    Joining as a couple? Thanks for purchasing two tickets :).

  • 04/06/2021 Tango SOLOS: GIROS in depth technique for him & her


    04/06/2021 Tango SOLOS: GIROS in depth technique for him & her, 90 min.

    SOLO TECHNIQUE: Axis. Transfer. Embrace shift. Balance. Shoulder alignment. Core engagement. There is so much to work about the technique behind giros that it can seem, at times, overwhelming. But with the right focus, everyone can crack the secrets behind and become surprised at how stable, controlled and elegant their giros have become. Become a Giro master, and, like Yoda, learn to levitate - or at least feel like you are! No partner required.

    Joining as a couple? Thanks for purchasing two tickets :). ** PROGRAMME ** 7pm FOLLOWERS 8pm LEADERS
  • 19/02/2021 Tango SOLO Technique: BARRIDAS Technique for him and her


    19/02/2021 Tango SOLO Technique: BARRIDAS Technique for him and her, 90 min.
    Tango for SOLOs: BARRIDAS can seem gravity defying at times, but there is some strong technique behind them to achieve these connected and elegant foot sweep. With exercises deciphering the mechanics of lower body connection, understand the timing, strength required, angle and speed of the barridas, so you never lose your balance when trying them, ever again. Joining as a couple? Thanks for purchasing two tickets :).

  • 10/07/2020 Pure Technique: Adorno secrets

    Join the Adorno Secrets PURE TECHNIQUE workshop and discover when to decorate, how to decorate, the connection with the music and partner, how to play with the time signature and more. Secrets will be revealed, shhh!! ** PROGRAMME ** 7pm LEADERS 8pm FOLLOWERS
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