Virtual Wednesday classes

  • 21/03/2021 Celebratory FREE LESSONS: 1 Year of online teaching


    21/03/2021 Celebratory FREE LESSONS: 1 Year of online teaching, 90 min

    Pushed by the Covid crisis to do so, one year ago we embarked into a journey of teaching tango group lessons online, something that we never did before. Little did we know that a year later, we would still teach online - with the end of the crisis in view. On the way, we received incredible support from so many dancers, from all over the globe - from Asia - Japan, Korea, China, Vietnam and more to Argentina and wider South America, from the US to Canada and Mexico, from the UK to wider Europe and places further afield, such as Jordan or New Zealand and new Caledonia. As a huge, heartfelt thank you, we organise this gratitude based free lesson for all, starting as usual by the first part (Beginners and Improvers) and followed by the second part (Intermediates and Up). We will teach a 'best of', a selection of lessons during the last year.

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  • 15/04/2020 BACKWARD OCHOS & BOLEOS classes Beginners + Intermediates


    Beginners, learn the BACKWARD OCHO – a fundamental tango tool, and explore how we can add simple decorations. Intermediates, we will investigate the four dimensions of BOLEOS, to take a systematic approach and see it in action. We love B(v)oleos! An excellent complement to the 12/04 lesson.

  • 16/12/2020 Travelling Vs Still Tango: move with music and space, part I


    16/12/2020 Travelling Vs Still Tango: move with music and space, part I, 90 min.
    Experience the incredible richness of tango, from those moments of stillness when time seems to stop, to moments of wide movements, when the music suddenly expands and makes us want to move. Learn how to use the space around you - may it be at home or a busy/quiet milonga, and make it your ally. This is part I of II, both part best enjoyed together but can be taken independently.

  • 26/05 Fabulous PLANEOS and their adornos for both roles, Part I


    26/05 Fabulous PLANEOS and their adornos for both roles, Part I, 90 min.

    Fabulous PLANEOS! Planeos are these gravity defying moments when the follower (or the leader, in more complex combinations) stand and rotate on one leg for a prolonged time, often decorating with elaborate adornos. Perfect choices for soft and melancholic songs, they are a true gem. Come join us to master them (for both roles) and understand when and how to use them! This is part I of II, both parts best enjoyed together but can be taken independently.

    Joining as a couple? Thanks for purchasing two tickets :). Note: you agree to our disclaimer and terms when joining a lesson, live or recorded.
  • 08/07/2020 Leaders & Followers Barridas part I

    Barridas (sometimes called Arrastres) are the true tango gem: a delicate foot contact - some may call it a gentle foot 'kiss and sweep' - that is without doubt a tango symbol. Learn how to prepare for a stable and safe barrida, how to lead it and respond to the lead, incorporate it in the music, and create your own. This is part I of II, best enjoyed together but can be taken independently.
  • 24/01/2021 Introduction to Stage Tango (Escenario), part II


    24/01/2021 Introduction to Stage Tango (Escenario), part II, 90 min.
    For our first time EVER! Finally explore the fascinating world of stage tango, how it differs from Tango Salon, how and when to use it (safely). We will go over Tango Escenario fundamentals, how to prepare yourself, and will show you classics of Stage tango that will make your Auntie (or neighbour) go 'wow!'. A great way to spice up your tango, for that extra sparkle when you want to shine on the floor. This is part I of II, both part best enjoyed together but can be taken independently.

    Joining as a couple? Thanks for purchasing two tickets :).

  • 28/10/2020 GANCHOS vs. ENGANCHES, part I


    28/10/2020 GANCHOS vs. ENGANCHES, part I, 90 min.
    We love ganchos and enganches: they are the true icons of tango! Explore how to master some astonishing hooks and wraps, from preparation, balance, technique and lead, to adding finesse and style to them. Wednesday is part I of II (best enjoyed together but each part can be taken independently).

  • 17/03/2021 Master LINEAR VS CIRCULAR movements in Tango


    17/03/2021 Master LINEAR VS CIRCULAR movements in Tango, 90 min.

    The beauty of tango resides in its ever changing possibilities, adapting movement and energy to space, mood and music. One of its most useful tool is the realisation that a lot comes in two shades - linear and circular. Come and join us to discover and understand the body mechanics behind these two types of movement, and the challenges faced when changing from one system to the other.

    Joining as a couple? Thanks for purchasing two tickets :).
  • 22/04/2020 Dancing in Restricted Spaces II – the Americana edition


    Learn to dance in restricted spaces. When milongas get busy, it is a precious skill that will make you a better dancer, managing the area around you in a smooth a fluid way. This is part II of II: today - Beginners, learn the AMERICANA – an embrace as much it is a step! Intermediates: explore how to use the Americana in playful ways when there is little space. A great class to revisit your Americana.

  • 20/12/2020 Travelling Vs Still Tango: move with music and space, part II


    20/12/2020 Travelling Vs Still Tango: move with music and space, part II, 90 min.
    Experience the incredible richness of tango, from those moments of stillness when time seems to stop, to moments of wide movements, when the music suddenly expands and makes us want to move. Learn how to use the space around you - may it be at home or a busy/quiet milonga, and make it your ally. This is part II of II, both part best enjoyed together but can be taken independently.

  • 02/06 GIROS just want to have fun – adornos, styling and speed, Part I


    02/06 GIROS just want to have fun - adornos, styling and speed, Part I, 90 min.

    GIROS just wanna have fun... make the Giro your favourite of all tango steps, learn how to decorate it and play with the embrace, speed, and direction: a true treasure chest! We will show the different underlying techniques and how to improve communication when things go faster or wider. And giros, they wanna have fun; oh giros just wanna have fun! This is part I of II, both parts best enjoyed together but can be taken independently.

    Joining as a couple? Thanks for purchasing two tickets :). Note: you agree to our disclaimer and terms when joining a lesson, live or recorded.
  • 15/07/2020 Advanced Ocho Cortado part I

    Ahh, the Ocho Cortado. Myth has it that it came into existence when a dancer had to suddenly abort a giro. Come learn this iconic and its multiple variants, playing with speed, direction and musicality. This is part I of II, best enjoyed together but can be taken independently.
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