Virtual technique Solo dancer classes

  • 01/01/2021 Solo Technique: Tango Exercises after XMAS excesses


    01/01/2021 Solo Technique: Tango Exercises after XMAS excesses, 90 min.
    Tango for SOLOs: Champagne? Cakes? Turkey? Chocolate? Tarts? Biscuits? Sweet drinks? Way too much food? No problem- we have a plan! We will equip you with fun exercises to shake off all these excesses. And the bonus: your technique will improve in doing so, so what’s not to like? Joining as a couple? Thanks for purchasing two tickets :).

  • 01/05/2020 Technique & Styling class – BODY MECHANICS – last part


    Learn the intricacies of body mechanics in tango (part 2, also see 24/04/2020 – best enjoyed together). Look into the details of movement, both for leaders and followers. Understand the source of movement, how it travels the body and gets communicated to the partner, how to increase volume and assert speed.

  • 02/04/2021 Tango SOLOS: Special VALS in depth technique


    02/04/2021 Tango SOLOS: Special VALS in depth technique, 90 min.

    SOLO TECHNIQUE for VALS lovers! Dancing Vals may look like it is 'a bit like tango, only more rounded', but there is so much more to it. Adapt your technique to the time signature, explore axis transfer Vals-style, understand the body mechanics to help you reach that fuidity of movement, and get to know which exercises to improve your vals command. And guaranteed: you will LOVE Vals after today's workshop!

    Joining as a couple? Thanks for purchasing two tickets :). ** PROGRAMME ** 7pm FOLLOWERS 8pm LEADERS
  • 02/10/2020 Solo Technique: how to Master sudden changes of Dynamics


    02/10/2020 Solo Technique: how to Master sudden changes of Dynamics. MASTER SUDDEN CHANGES OF DYNAMICS: tango from 0 to 100MPH, or how to practice SOLO to become insanely precise, in control and lightning quick! The most contrasted tangos are often the most difficult to interpret. Learn how to practice as a Solo to prepare your body to respond to these incredible songs.

  • 03/04/2020 Technique & Styling class – special BALANCE edition


    This week all secrets about building a better balance and achieving great pivots will be revealed! We focus on what perhaps matters most: giving you a roadmap towards developing an impeccable balance and thus making your tango secure, precise, and a joy to dance.

  • 03/07/2020 Pure Technique: Speeding it UP

    When the song accelerate, how do these dancers manage to keep control whilst increasing velocity of their movements? This edition will give you the tools and exercises to know what to do to acquire more speed and precision in your tango. A must see for all dancers in love with d’Arienzo, d’Agostino, Lomuto, Laurenz, Biagi, Troilo, Vals and Milongas! ** PROGRAMME ** 7pm LEADERS 8pm FOLLOWERS
  • 04/06/2021 Tango SOLOS: GIROS in depth technique for him & her


    04/06/2021 Tango SOLOS: GIROS in depth technique for him & her, 90 min.

    SOLO TECHNIQUE: Axis. Transfer. Embrace shift. Balance. Shoulder alignment. Core engagement. There is so much to work about the technique behind giros that it can seem, at times, overwhelming. But with the right focus, everyone can crack the secrets behind and become surprised at how stable, controlled and elegant their giros have become. Become a Giro master, and, like Yoda, learn to levitate - or at least feel like you are! No partner required.

    Joining as a couple? Thanks for purchasing two tickets :). ** PROGRAMME ** 7pm FOLLOWERS 8pm LEADERS
  • 04/09/2020 Pure Technique: Enrosques for him & her


    04/09/2020 Pure Technique: Enrosques for him & her

    Ever dreamt of adding Enrosques to your tango repertoire? This Friday, you will understand how they work, their timing, and how to lead/follow and use them. Beautiful and powerful, they will become an indispensable part of your tango style. Make an impression on the tango floor!

  • 04/12/2020 Solo Technique: Beautiful FRONT AND BACK CROSSES, technique for him & her


    04/12/2020 Solo Technique: Beautiful FRONT AND BACK CROSSES, technique for him & her, 90 min.
    Tango for SOLOs: special FONT AND BACK CROSSES workshop. Front and Back crosses are amongst the most used (and decorative) movements in tango. Yet, they are not always done with control and style. Discover how to make them world-class, and what you can do to practice them. Some exercises will be challenging! Joining as a couple? Thanks for purchasing two tickets :).

  • 05/02/2021 Solo Technique: Keys to Musicality for him and her


    05/02/2021 Solo Technique: Keys to Musicality for him and her, 90 min.
    Tango for SOLOs: delve into the intricate details of tango songs, and discover how to put them to movement as a solo dancer. Get to know what exercises to add to your routine, so that your musicality fully develops when you are practicing by yourself. An insightful workshop based around music and movement, that you will fully enjoy! Joining as a couple? Thanks for purchasing two tickets :).

  • 05/03/2021 Tango SOLOS: GIROS in depth technique & advanced exercises


    05/03/2021 Tango SOLOS: GIROS in depth technique & advanced exercises, 90 min.

    Giros in depth. How can one achieve a beautiful, controlled, smooth and deeply connected giro? We will delve into the intricacies of axis control, energy sharing and sustenance, timing, pivot dominance, and back and forth communication from lead to response to lead. Don't miss this SOLO TECHNIQUE if you feel you wish to take your giros to the next level! We will also show you advanced exercises that you can also practice to better your giros. A must watch!

    Joining as a couple? Thanks for purchasing two tickets :). ** PROGRAMME ** 7pm FOLLOWERS 8pm LEADERS
  • 05/06/2020 Pure Technique: Pivots pivots (Part 2 of 2)

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