Virtual classes

  • 02/10/2020 Solo Technique: how to Master sudden changes of Dynamics


    02/10/2020 Solo Technique: how to Master sudden changes of Dynamics. MASTER SUDDEN CHANGES OF DYNAMICS: tango from 0 to 100MPH, or how to practice SOLO to become insanely precise, in control and lightning quick! The most contrasted tangos are often the most difficult to interpret. Learn how to practice as a Solo to prepare your body to respond to these incredible songs.

  • 27/11/2020 Solo Technique: SPIRALS fundamentals, technique for him & her


    27/11/2020 Solo Technique: SPIRALS fundamentals, technique for him & her, 90 min.
    Tango for SOLOs: special SPIRALS workshop. discover what Tango Spirals are, why they make a real difference and what you can do to practice them. Learn about their timing, body mechanics, and communication in embrace. The result? More grace, more power and more creativity. Joining as a couple? Thanks for purchasing two tickets :).

  • 29/01/2021 Solo Technique: How to Practice Tango as a SOLO, DOs and DONTs


    29/01/2021 Solo Technique: How to Practice Tango as a SOLO, DOs and DONTs, 90 min.
    Tango for SOLOs: Everyone agrees than practicing solo can lead to developing bad habits, which have to be unlearnt later. What are the DOs and DONT's of learning Tango as a SOLO dancer, to improve your technique and make the most of your time by yourself to enhance your movement and skill? Join today to supercharge your SOLO technique training. Joining as a couple? Thanks for purchasing two tickets :).

  • 02/04/2021 Tango SOLOS: Special VALS in depth technique


    02/04/2021 Tango SOLOS: Special VALS in depth technique, 90 min.

    SOLO TECHNIQUE for VALS lovers! Dancing Vals may look like it is 'a bit like tango, only more rounded', but there is so much more to it. Adapt your technique to the time signature, explore axis transfer Vals-style, understand the body mechanics to help you reach that fuidity of movement, and get to know which exercises to improve your vals command. And guaranteed: you will LOVE Vals after today's workshop!

    Joining as a couple? Thanks for purchasing two tickets :). ** PROGRAMME ** 7pm FOLLOWERS 8pm LEADERS
  • 04/06/2021 Tango SOLOS: GIROS in depth technique for him & her


    04/06/2021 Tango SOLOS: GIROS in depth technique for him & her, 90 min.

    SOLO TECHNIQUE: Axis. Transfer. Embrace shift. Balance. Shoulder alignment. Core engagement. There is so much to work about the technique behind giros that it can seem, at times, overwhelming. But with the right focus, everyone can crack the secrets behind and become surprised at how stable, controlled and elegant their giros have become. Become a Giro master, and, like Yoda, learn to levitate - or at least feel like you are! No partner required.

    Joining as a couple? Thanks for purchasing two tickets :). ** PROGRAMME ** 7pm FOLLOWERS 8pm LEADERS
  • 10/11 Beautiful Vocadas: master Tango’s off axis


    10/11 Beautiful Vocadas: master Tango's off axis, 90 min.

    Discover or perfect tango’s Leaning Tower of Pisa! Volcadas (off axis) require leader and follower to be in deep interdependence for balance and axis. Master these beautiful tango steps and make them part of your repertoire!

    Joining as a couple? Thanks for purchasing two tickets :). Note: you agree to our disclaimer and terms when joining a lesson, live or recorded.
  • 26/04/2020 VALS Primer: time signature and cadenas

    26/04/2020 VALS Primer: time signature and cadenas

    Beginners, learn the basics of the tango vals. Intermediates: explore the vals time signatures and learn cadenas specifically designed for vals (no large space required).

  • 23/08/2020 The Art of the Tango Embraces part II

    23/08 The Embrace (Abrazo). They say Tango is nothing more (and nothing less!) than an embrace. Could this be the very reason we all dance tango? The embrace is, as much as steps and combinations, a tool we can use to vary the feelings and interpretation in tango. Part II of II, each part can be taken independently.
  • 25/10/2020 Varying Speed and Style in your Giros, part II


    25/10/2020 Varying Speed and Style in your Giros, part II, 90 min.
    Ah, the mighty giro. Learn how to add depth and colour to it - from style, energy to how it feels. Delve into the secrets of how to adapt your technique when you suddenly change the speed and amplitude in the giro, how to retain control and grace when things are faster and see what adornos can be added for extra fun. Sunday is part II of II (best enjoyed together but each part can be taken independently).

  • 18/12/2020 Solo Technique: STILL vs TRAVELLING TANGO


    18/12/2020 Solo Technique: STILL vs TRAVELLING TANGO, 90 min.
    Tango for SOLOs: Experience the incredible richness of tango, from those moments of stillness when time seems to stop, to moments of wide movements, when the music suddenly expands and makes us want to move. Learn how to manage your balance, energy, direction and connect to the music and space around you to take your dance to the next level. Joining as a couple? Thanks for purchasing two tickets :).

  • 19/02/2021 Tango SOLO Technique: BARRIDAS Technique for him and her


    19/02/2021 Tango SOLO Technique: BARRIDAS Technique for him and her, 90 min.
    Tango for SOLOs: BARRIDAS can seem gravity defying at times, but there is some strong technique behind them to achieve these connected and elegant foot sweep. With exercises deciphering the mechanics of lower body connection, understand the timing, strength required, angle and speed of the barridas, so you never lose your balance when trying them, ever again. Joining as a couple? Thanks for purchasing two tickets :).

  • 23/04/2021 Tango SOLOS: How to get QUICKER ON YOUR FEET


    23/04/2021 Tango SOLOS: How to get QUICKER ON YOUR FEET, 90 min.

    SOLO TECHNIQUE: Occasionally time in tango seems to be squeezed to its narrowest element: the song is accelerating, and so needs the dancing. Doing so necessitates rapid and precise movement. Learn useful tips, technique and exercises to get quicker, and to communicate this speed correctly to your dance partner. Fasten your seat belt! No partner required.

    Joining as a couple? Thanks for purchasing two tickets :). ** PROGRAMME ** 7pm FOLLOWERS 8pm LEADERS
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