Virtual classes

  • 03/04/2020 Technique & Styling class – special BALANCE edition


    This week all secrets about building a better balance and achieving great pivots will be revealed! We focus on what perhaps matters most: giving you a roadmap towards developing an impeccable balance and thus making your tango secure, precise, and a joy to dance.

  • 31/03/2020 TANGO WORKOUT


    Bored of your sofa? Missing sweat? Worried about not getting enough exercise during the day? OUR TANGO WORKOUT for solo dancers might be the cure! 45 min of fun and fast drills.

    What it is: no technique, just a very intense session based on tango & milonga movements designed to make you feel in tip top shape. Love sweat again! And the benefit: you will work on your tango speed, so this will help you with the quickest of tangos and milongas! :)

  • 07/04/2020 TANGO WORKOUT


    Bored of your sofa? Missing sweat? Worried about not getting enough exercise during the day? OUR TANGO WORKOUT for solo dancers might be the cure! 45 min of fun and fast drills.

    What it is: no technique, just a very intense session based on tango & milonga movements designed to make you feel in tip top shape. Love sweat again! And the benefit: you will work on your tango speed, so this will help you with the quickest of tangos and milongas! :)

  • 27/03/2020 Technique & Styling class – caminata and more

    This week, we explore the caminata, quality of movement and more. We focus on what perhaps matters most: giving you a roadmap towards developing an impeccable balance and thus making your tango secure, precise, and a joy to dance.
  • 08/04/2020 MILONGA classes Beginners + Intermediates

    08/04/2020 MILONGA classes Beginners + Intermediates

    We love MILONGA! Discover the time signature of milongas in the first part (BEGINNERS), and the basic milonga steps to get started. In the second part (INTERMEDIATES), learn more complex (but equally as fun) sequences, directly usable for the dance floor: giros, milonga style, and changes of speed!

  • 05/04/2020 CROSSES VARIATIONS Beginners + Intermediates


    Front and back crosses, but not as you know them! Add style and novelty to your crosses, in speed, direction and add some adornos. Trust us, you will love your ‘cruce’ again! The first half will explore the cross for beginners, and the second half will push the envelope into new territory. Usable for the dance floor!

  • 01/04/2020 Media luna (Beginners) & Advanced giros (Intermediates)


    Learn more intricacies of the Giro! For beginners, we start with the media luna, its simpler version. Intermediates will learn advanced Giro technique, going into depth and unearthing how to play with their shape and speed. Unmissable for all giro lovers.

  • 29/03/2020 Half giro (Beginners) & Detailed giros in depth (Intermediates)


    Learn the secret art of the Giro! We start with beginners with the half giro, its simpler version. Intermediates will learn in depth Giro technique: both in terms of lead, and how to execute them. We will cover advanced technique, how to improve balance, precision in giros, time signature and musicality - and how to vary their shape and speed. Fun and deeply informative, both for solo dancers and couples alike!

  • 10/04/2020 Technique & Styling class – special ADORNOS edition


    Adornos (decorations), used at the right time, make tango an incredibly expressive and beautiful dance – both for leaders and followers. Master both decorations with this special edition, exploring the when and how, from still to moving positions. Beautify your tango!

  • 25/03/2020 DANCING SLOW TANGOS classes Beginners + Intermediates


    Di Sarli, Canaro, Salamanca… Slow tangos are without doubt allowing an incredible connection amongst the two partners. Learn how to use their time signature, how to slow down and enhance the quality of movement in doing so. We love slow tangos!

  • 12/04/2020 Boleos Primer (Beginners & Intermediates)


    Beautiful BOLEOS! Sometimes used as decorations, sometimes led, and sometimes even used by the leader as their own adorno! Learn the delicate art of the boleo and when to use them!



    Bored of your sofa? Missing sweat? Worried about not getting enough exercise during the day? OUR TANGO WORKOUT for solo dancers might be the cure! 45 min of fun and fast drills.

    What it is: no technique, just a very intense session based on tango & milonga movements designed to make you feel in tip top shape. Love sweat again! And the benefit: you will work on your tango speed, so this will help you with the quickest of tangos and milongas! :)

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