Full e-classes video library

  • 08/11/2020 SALON vs. MILONGUERO styles, part II


    08/11/2020 SALON vs. MILONGUERO styles, part II, 90 min.
    Special workshop SALON vs. MILONGUERO style, for all of you who always wanted to understand the fundamental differences, and when and how to play with both. Covering music, connection, embrace, and style. Sunday is part II of II (best enjoyed together but each part can be taken independently).

  • 10/01/2021 From Patadas to Tocadas, part II


    10/01/2021 From Patadas to Tocadas, part II, 90 min.
    This week, learn all the secrets behind these feet and legs interactions, from patadas to tocadas (their softer version). Understand the dynamics behind these two fun movements, uncover the tips to keep your balance when using them, and apprehend when to use them - to make them part of your interpretation. Safe to say that patadas and tocadas are amongst the most entertaining and pleasant tango moves! This is part II of II, both part best enjoyed together but can be taken independently. Joining as a couple? Thanks for purchasing two tickets :).

  • 09/05 Fun Milonga Lisa and Traspie, Part II


    09/05 Fun Milonga Lisa and Traspie, Part II, 90 min.

    "Fun" and "Milonga" is almost a pleonasm: fun was inherently built in the milonga dance. Fun variations which are dancefloor-ready, for your greatest enjoyment. We guarantee it will make the rainiest day, well, filled with laughter and weightless light. We will cover Lisa and Traspie, the Laurels and Hardys of Milonga. This is part II of II, both parts best enjoyed together but can be taken independently.

    Joining as a couple? Thanks for purchasing two tickets :). Note: you agree to our disclaimer and terms when joining a lesson, live or recorded.
  • 18/06/2021 Tango SOLOS: CONTRA vs A-FAVOR technique for him & her


    18/06/2021 Tango SOLOS: CONTRA vs A-FAVOR technique for him & her, 90 min.

    SOLO TECHNIQUE: Energies in embrace and the CONTRA/A-FAVOR techniques of movements are delicate but incredibly powerful and innovative. Join us to discover how to fully use them, lead these movements and adapt the embrace to what is required for energy, balance and style. No partner required.

    Joining as a couple? Thanks for purchasing two tickets :). ** PROGRAMME ** 7pm FOLLOWERS 8pm LEADERS
  • 24/11 VALS: Master vals cadenas and technique


    24/11 VALS: Master vals cadenas and technique, 90 min.

    Fabulous vals cadenas! Join us to learn how to make your vals inspiring and beautifully connected to your partner. We will explore cadenas (chains), these vals combinations that fit the vals time signature like a glove. Understand the technique behind, the points of connection, and all that is necessary for your cadenas to work.

    Joining as a couple? Thanks for purchasing two tickets :). Note: you agree to our disclaimer and terms when joining a lesson, live or recorded.
  • 31/07/2020 Pure Technique: adapting Tango technique to Milonga

    Milonga brings an infinite amount of joy and fun to its dancers. Yet, how does one adapt their technique from Tango to Milonga? What are the fundamental differences between the two? Learn the tricks to look like, and dance like, a milonga expert. ** PROGRAMME ** 7pm LEADERS 8pm FOLLOWERS
  • 13/05/2020 Musicality series: dancing with Osvaldo Fresedo


    Osvaldo Fresedo… Chances are, his name brings soft, complex and highly danceable tunes to your mind. Isla de Capri… Cordobesita… Vida Mia… a multitude of beautiful tunes from ‘El pibe de La Paternal’ that are favourites in many milongas. Come and learn about his work and how to interpret it when you dance. A charming lesson of tango that will put a smile on your face for the whole week.

  • 12/07/2020 Leaders & Followers Barridas part II

    Barridas (sometimes called Arrastres) are the true tango gem: a delicate foot contact - some may call it a gentle foot 'kiss and sweep' - that is without doubt a tango symbol. Learn how to prepare for a stable and safe barrida, how to lead it and respond to the lead, incorporate it in the music, and create your own. This is part II of II, best enjoyed together but can be taken independently.
  • 09/10/2020 Solo Technique: Leading vs. Following, secrets of the other side


    09/10/2020 Solo Technique: Leading vs. Following, secrets of the 'other side'.
    Explore what the follower expects from the leader & vice versa. Understand how the two roles interconnect and build on each other, how the ‘other side’ receives your signals and interpret them correctly. A fundamental session designed to make each role able to deeply adapt and give clear feedback, for a much richer experience and connection.

  • 25/11/2020 fabulous SPIRALS: what they are and how to use them, part I


    25/11/2020 fabulous SPIRALS: what they are and how to use them, part I, 90 min.
    Heads will turn this week! Discover the spirals, what they are, their precise timing, which part of your body contributes to this effect, when they can be used and why they make a real difference. The result? More grace, more power and more creativity. This is part I of II, both part best enjoyed together but can be taken independently.

  • 31/01/2021 Calibrate your TANGO: DO’s and DONT’s, Part II


    31/01/2021 Calibrate your TANGO: DO's and DONT's, Part II, 90 min.
    Nothing is quicker to learn tango than, on one hand, to understand what pitfalls to avoid - the DONTs - and on the other, what to do to to to nurture a virtuous cycle that will help you make great progress - the DOs. Join today's session for an eye opening workshop in couples, that will resonate with many of you. This is part II of II, both part best enjoyed together but can be taken independently.

    Joining as a couple? Thanks for purchasing two tickets :).

  • 04/04/2021 Special VALS: Fabulous Cadenas, Part II


    04/04/2021 Special VALS: Fabulous Cadenas, Part II, 90 min

    Fabulous vals cadenas! Join us to learn how to make your vals inspiring and beautifully connected to your partner. We will explore cadenas (chains), these vals combinations that fit the vals time signature like a glove. Understand the technique behind, the points of connection, the usage of hips and movement in the embrace, and all that is necessary for your cadenas to work. For all Vals lovers. This is part II of II, both parts best enjoyed together but can be taken independently.

    Joining as a couple? Thanks for purchasing two tickets :). Note: you agree to our disclaimer and terms when joining a lesson, live or recorded.
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