Full e-classes video library

  • 12/02/2021 Solo Technique: Elements of Elegance for him and her


    12/02/2021 Solo Technique: Elements of Elegance for him and her, 90 min.
    Tango for SOLOs: ELEGANCE was designed within tango in its embrace and movements. Yet, it often is difficult to understand how to develop a natural elegance as a leader or follower, may it be in posture, how we move and how we project this tango energy. We will give you elements and keys to develop this elegance, so you can shine at the milonga. Joining as a couple? Thanks for purchasing two tickets :).

  • 04/11/2020 SALON vs. MILONGUERO styles, part I


    04/11/2020 SALON vs. MILONGUERO styles, part I, 90 min.
    Special workshop SALON vs. MILONGUERO style, for all of you who always wanted to understand the fundamental differences, and when and how to play with both. Covering music, connection, embrace, and style. Wednesday is part I of II (best enjoyed together but each part can be taken independently).

  • 02/08/2020 Special Milonga: Lisa & Traspie

    02/08/2020 Special Milonga: Lisa & Traspie

    MILONGA! Dancing it brings an infinite amount of joy and fun to everyone. Join us to learn how to enjoy its different speeds and combinations, so you're truly 100% MILONGA ready for your next outing! Milonga Lisa & Traspie variations.

  • 24/11/2020 Tango Workout


    Bored of your sofa? Missing sweat? Worried about not getting enough exercise during the day? OUR TANGO WORKOUT for solo dancers might be the cure! 45 min of fun and fast drills.

    What it is: no technique, just a very intense session based on tango & milonga movements designed to make you feel in tip top shape. Love sweat again! And the benefit: you will work on your tango speed, so this will help you with the quickest of tangos and milongas! :)

  • 18/06/2021 Tango SOLOS: CONTRA vs A-FAVOR technique for him & her


    18/06/2021 Tango SOLOS: CONTRA vs A-FAVOR technique for him & her, 90 min.

    SOLO TECHNIQUE: Energies in embrace and the CONTRA/A-FAVOR techniques of movements are delicate but incredibly powerful and innovative. Join us to discover how to fully use them, lead these movements and adapt the embrace to what is required for energy, balance and style. No partner required.

    Joining as a couple? Thanks for purchasing two tickets :). ** PROGRAMME ** 7pm FOLLOWERS 8pm LEADERS
  • 13/05/2020 Musicality series: dancing with Osvaldo Fresedo


    Osvaldo Fresedo… Chances are, his name brings soft, complex and highly danceable tunes to your mind. Isla de Capri… Cordobesita… Vida Mia… a multitude of beautiful tunes from ‘El pibe de La Paternal’ that are favourites in many milongas. Come and learn about his work and how to interpret it when you dance. A charming lesson of tango that will put a smile on your face for the whole week.

  • 22/07/2020 Demystifying the CROSS system part I

    The cross system is truly revolutionary in tango - a great tool to reinvent how leader and follower interact and literally dance around each other. A beautiful session, as much an eye opener than a fascinating way to play with your dance and repertoire. This is part I of II parts (part II on Sunday), but each can be taken independently.
  • 17/04/2020 class – LEADER + FOLLOWER

  • 15/05/2020 Technique & Styling class – SPEED & MUSICALITY


    (PART 2 of SPEED IN TANGO) Slow. Fast. Contrasted. Is Speed the holy grail of tango? Find out the technique behind sudden changes of speed, and how to sustain a higher or lower speed in good balance and control. Things will not be the same afterwards. We will also touch upon speed and musicality, and styling.

  • Sale!

    29/05/2022 Sunday Milonga for a COUPLE

    Welcome to Los Angelitos Milonga! Our aim is to make the Milonga a friendly and welcoming place, so we hope you will enjoy your afternoon. Designed for: All. Time: MILONGA is from 4pm. For: one COUPLE. Ticket is non refundable/transferable.
  • 01/02/2021 Tango Workout


    From this week the Workout is on Monday evenings! Bored of your sofa? Missing sweat? Worried about not getting enough exercise during the day? OUR TANGO WORKOUT for solo dancers might be the cure! 45 min of fun and fast drills.

    What it is: no technique, just a very intense session based on tango & milonga movements designed to make you feel in tip top shape. Love sweat again! And the benefit: you will work on your tango speed, so this will help you with the quickest of tangos and milongas! :)

  • 26/07/2020 Demystifying the CROSS system part II

    The cross system is truly revolutionary in tango - a great tool to reinvent how leader and follower interact and literally dance around each other. A beautiful session, as much an eye opener than a fascinating way to play with your dance and repertoire. This is part II of II (part I on Wednesday), but each can be taken independently.
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