Virtual Sunday classes

  • 14/02/2021 Interpreting SLOW tangos, Part II (VALENTINE edition)


    14/02/2021 Interpreting SLOW tangos, Part II (VALENTINE edition), 90 min.
    SPECIAL VALENTINE! Tango, at its slowest, can be incredibly romantic (in the modern sense of the word, not in a Baudelairian way) as it requires the strongest of connections and synchronicity. These moments of stillness, of change of pace, and intricate game between melody and counterpoints are places of sheer beauty, calling the dancers to reveal themselves in the tiniest, or slowest, of movement. This is part II of II, both part best enjoyed together but can be taken independently.

    Joining as a couple? Thanks for purchasing two tickets :).

  • 21/02/2021 Mastering Leaders and Followers Barridas, Part II


    21/02/2021 Mastering Leaders and Followers Barridas, Part II, 90 min.
    "How is that led?" Some Barridas (also called Arrastres) are sometimes so delicate and exquisite one can wonder what is the lead behind. Whilst most know the typical leaders barridas, they are also follower barridas, which seem to be even more floaty - almost diaphanous. Come and join us to discover some of these elegant and graceful movement, understand how to prepare for them and execute them flawlessly. This is part II of II, both part best enjoyed together but can be taken independently.

    Joining as a couple? Thanks for purchasing two tickets :).

  • 14/03/2021 Secrets of Elegance & Control, Part II


    14/03/2021 Secrets of Elegance & Control, Part II, 90 min

    How can dancers improve the quality of their movement, and increase the control and fluidity of their trajectory as a couple? We will show exercises and delve into the secrets of a controlled movement, a more graceful transfer, and put it to practice with sequences. For all of you who love tango as one of the most elegant dances! This is part II of II, both parts best enjoyed together but can be taken independently.

    NOTE: THIS CLASS WILL BE PRE-RECORDED Joining as a couple? Thanks for purchasing two tickets :).
  • 28/03/2021 The Art of the Rebote (Rebound), Part II


    28/03/2021 The Art of the Rebote (Rebound), Part II, 90 min. Supercharge your rhythmical tangos!

    Tell me, mirror: is the rebote, the most useful and versatile of them all? Used when things go rhythmic, for sudden changes of directions, and so many other situations, it is the dancers’ best ally. Join us to redefine how you use your rebounds, style them, mix them with other energies and steps, and find creative ways to add them to your repertoire. Fun! This is part II of II, both parts best enjoyed together but can be taken independently.

    Joining as a couple? Thanks for purchasing two tickets :). Note: you agree to our disclaimer and terms when joining a lesson, live or recorded.
  • 04/04/2021 Special VALS: Fabulous Cadenas, Part II


    04/04/2021 Special VALS: Fabulous Cadenas, Part II, 90 min

    Fabulous vals cadenas! Join us to learn how to make your vals inspiring and beautifully connected to your partner. We will explore cadenas (chains), these vals combinations that fit the vals time signature like a glove. Understand the technique behind, the points of connection, the usage of hips and movement in the embrace, and all that is necessary for your cadenas to work. For all Vals lovers. This is part II of II, both parts best enjoyed together but can be taken independently.

    Joining as a couple? Thanks for purchasing two tickets :). Note: you agree to our disclaimer and terms when joining a lesson, live or recorded.
  • 11/04/2021 Tango Tools for Creative Improvisation, Part II


    11/04/2021 Tango Tools for Creative Improvisation, Part II, 90 min

    Tango is the Improvisation dance par excellence. Both leaders and followers, whilst relying on each other and the music, are in constant state of pure creation, drawing from their own personality and ideas how to move and interpret the song. It might sound like a daunting task, but luckily we have developed tools for you, to enrich and develop this improvisation, and make your dance richer. This is part II of II, both parts best enjoyed together but can be taken independently.

    Joining as a couple? Thanks for purchasing two tickets :). Note: you agree to our disclaimer and terms when joining a lesson, live or recorded.
  • 18/04/2021 Pivots on 2 feet, Advanced Combinations – Part II


    18/04/2021 Pivots on 2 feet, Advanced Combinations - Part II, 90 min

    The beauty of tango resides in its diversity of movement and shapes. Although most pivots happen on one leg, there are special ones which require both legs, from leader or follower. They give birth to graceful and surprising moves, where things don't always appear as they are. If you like subtlety and connection, you will love them. This is part II of II, both parts best enjoyed together but can be taken independently.

    Joining as a couple? Thanks for purchasing two tickets :). Note: you agree to our disclaimer and terms when joining a lesson, live or recorded.
  • 25/04/2021 Impressive VARIACIONES – sustain energy and speed in tango – Part II


    25/04/2021 Impressive VARIACIONES - sustain energy and speed in tango - Part II, 90 min

    Variaciones in tango are these moments in the song when the orchestra sustain the music energy and the speed for a prolonged amount of time. As fast as a Peregrine Falcon in dive, they seem incredibly swift. Join us to get your teeth (and feet) into variaciones and learn how to build them. A challenging, but immensely fun, lesson - and a hint of stage. This is part II of II, both parts best enjoyed together but can be taken independently.

    Joining as a couple? Thanks for purchasing two tickets :). Note: you agree to our disclaimer and terms when joining a lesson, live or recorded.
  • 02/05/2021 Sanguchito Creative Variations, Part II


    02/05/2021 Sanguchito Creative Variations, Part II, 90 min

    Lord Sandwich will be pleased! Sanguchitos, or foot wraps, are everyone's beloved combinations, as they give more space and time for the couple to breathe and connect. You might know the classic sanguchito, but there are so many more we will explore with you which are playful, fun and at times simply cheeky. A must-have tool in your tango treasure box. This is part II of II, both parts best enjoyed together but can be taken independently.

    Joining as a couple? Thanks for purchasing two tickets :). Note: you agree to our disclaimer and terms when joining a lesson, live or recorded.
  • 09/05 Fun Milonga Lisa and Traspie, Part II


    09/05 Fun Milonga Lisa and Traspie, Part II, 90 min.

    "Fun" and "Milonga" is almost a pleonasm: fun was inherently built in the milonga dance. Fun variations which are dancefloor-ready, for your greatest enjoyment. We guarantee it will make the rainiest day, well, filled with laughter and weightless light. We will cover Lisa and Traspie, the Laurels and Hardys of Milonga. This is part II of II, both parts best enjoyed together but can be taken independently.

    Joining as a couple? Thanks for purchasing two tickets :). Note: you agree to our disclaimer and terms when joining a lesson, live or recorded.
  • 16/05 Stunning AMERICANA variations, Part II


    16/05 Stunning AMERICANA variations, Part II, 90 min.

    The Americana or the Grande Latta? No, this is not a coffee from your local cafe, it is one of the nicest embraces and positions in tango, allowing a lot of flexibility for the couple. With the right back and lateral activation, and connection, it becomes a mighty tool for unique combinations. You will love the Americana for the level of customisation and creativity it will bring to your dance. This is part II of II, both parts best enjoyed together but can be taken independently.

    Joining as a couple? Thanks for purchasing two tickets :). Note: you agree to our disclaimer and terms when joining a lesson, live or recorded.
  • 23/05 MOT for couples: Connection & Changes of Embrace, Part II


    23/05 MOT for couples: Connection & Changes of Embrace, Part II, 90 min.

    Once a year, our tango needs a little revision, also called M.O.T. when servicing one's car in the UK! We will get in depth with the Connection and Embrace for couples, enhancing the most important part of dancing tango, and get some oil where parts get grippy after a while. Your best insurance and check-up this year! This is part II of II, both parts best enjoyed together but can be taken independently.

    Joining as a couple? Thanks for purchasing two tickets :). Note: you agree to our disclaimer and terms when joining a lesson, live or recorded.
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