Every Tuesday, we’ll publish a different tanda on our blog, to get you inspired for the week. Expect some humming or little twitches from your foot – better not fight it.

Today, a great milonga tanda by Rodolfo Biagi. Life is too short not to dance milonga on a Tuesday!

As a child, Biagi started studying the violin but soon realised that piano was his vocation. As many others, Biagi started his musical career without his parents consent. In 1935, he became D’arienzo’s pianist. Biagi’s nervous and rhythmic playing forever defined D’arienzo’s style. His style of playing influenced many pianists who came after him.

NB: The best way to improve your tango dancing is to know the music you dance on!


Por la huella

Performance by Javier Rodriguez and Andrea Misse on Canaro’s version



Flor de Monserrat

Performance by Javier Rodriguez and Geraldine Rojas



Campo afuera


See you soon on the dancefloor!


Nati y Bruno

Source on Biagi’s biography: http://www.todotango.com/english/artists/biography/98/Rodolfo-Biagi/