I like to compare tango to a dialogue, to a conversation two individuals are having about a particular song. Because it is a conversation, because it is an art and not a science, I strongly believe there is no right or wrong. This means that it’s perfectly fine if the follower misinterprets a lead and does something else (within reason of course!). All this means is that she’s taken the conversation somewhere else, somewhere unplanned.

For example, the leader suggests: ‘let’s do a salida now’, and the follower responds: ‘I think I’ll do a forward ocho’. From this slightly awkward moment, when both realise something has gone off track, it’s important to start up again and carry on with the dancing, with the dialogue.

In my training, I’ve realised that I’ve often created new steps or new adornments, from what was initially a ‘mistake’! It’s because the creative process is not linear and so when dancing, when creating, what matters most is to listen to one another and to improvise together – much more than the steps.

At Tanguito, that’s why we never teach lenghtly sequences, we believe there are sligthly counter productive and we prefer suggesting short variations around key themes. If you’d like to try our tango group classes or tango private classes, we’ll be happy to see you on the dance floor and share our passion for tango.

