Today, a great tango tanda by Miguel Caló featuring an oldie, but goodie: Jamás retornarás.

Jamás retornarás

“Jamás retornarás…”
lo dice el alma mía,
y en esta soledad
te nombro noche y día.

You’ll never come back

“You’ll never come back…”
that’s what my soul says,
and in this loneliness
I call your name night and day.


Jamás retornarás

A sweet, intimate performance by Facundo de la Cruz Gomez and Paola Sanz, the 2013 world tango champions.



If you want to read the lyrics in Spanish and English, we’ve translated the song for you!



Al Compás del Corazón


Cuatro compaces


See you soon on the dancefloor!


Nati y Bruno