After getting married, Carlos and Rosa stopped dancing – as it was frowned upon for young couples to go to milongas at the time. In 1994, they started dancing professionally and teaching again after 30 years away from the tango social scene and milongas. All of their moves corresponded to the decade of the 50’s and there was a great attraction for the youth (and not so young).

In terms of style, they dance together to the melody, with poise, very slowly and taking many pauses as the music itself pauses. This creates a feeling of suspension and elegance. They mark more rhythmical parts of the music with sacadas, paradas, and giros. Compared to Osvaldo and Coca, who use a lot of asynchronicity and where Osvaldo is often under the spotlight, the Perez’ style of dancing is more balanced between Carlos and Rosa.

They particularly enjoy improvising on Cafe Dominguez by D’Agostino.

By all means, don’t limit yourself to these videos, if you search for “Rosa Carlos Perez Tango” on Youtube, you’ll find many more!