A writer, essayist, poet and translator born in Buenos Aires in 1899, Jorge Luis Borges is one of the most famous Argentine artist around the world. During his career, he composed a substantial body of literature on Argentine folklore and history, including the “History of the Tango” and he is well known for his very beautiful quotes about tango.

The tango is a direct expression of something that poets have often tried to state in words: the belief that a fight may be a celebration.
El Tango es la directa expresión de lo que comúnmente los poetas han tratado de definir en palabras como: la creencia de que la lucha puede ser un festejo.

The infinite tango takes me towards everything.
El infinito tango me lleva hacia todo.

The tango can be debated, and we have debates over it, but it still encloses, as does all that which is truthful, a secret.

Without the streets or dusks of Buenos Aires, a tango cannot be written.
Sin Calles ni atardeceres de Buenos Aires no puede escribirse un Tango.

And I hear the echo of those tangos of Arolas and Greco that I have seen danced in the streets.
“Y oigo el eco de esos tangos de Arolas y de Greco que yo he visto bailar en las veredas”.
Poema “El tango”

Hasta mañana chicos!


Nati y Bruno

Sources and more information:

  • http://www.nytutoring.com/libertango/tangology/quotes.html
  • http://www.verytango.com/quotes.html
  • http://www.airenuestro.com